Saturday, July 07, 2007

[Jott from Jason Raitz] Hey, this is just a test I am now blogging through Jott.

Jott From Jason Raitz

Hey, this is just a test I am now blogging through Jott.
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Brought to you by Jott Networks, Inc.

[Jott from Jason Raitz] Instant Jott

Jott From Jason Raitz

Instant Jott
Listen to Audio
Set reminders, assign, and manage this jott on

Brought to you by Jott Networks, Inc.

Oh Hai!

Watch out, I'm now web 2.0ing all over the place.

Just found

Then I found Jott. Pretty cool website. I might start using it to blog. Might be a cool way to get into this whole blogging thing.

then I found 30box. Cool calender program. Though their shortcuts could be a bit more visible.

Had an okay 4th, and I've been posting more stuff to my flickr account.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Flickring all over the place

Got a new Flickr account. Totally rocks. I've spent quite a few hours searching through this flickr incarnation. Really like the new job and I may have saved a life today. My boss was choking on a sweet tart and I performed the Heimlick(sp?). Can't spell it, but it did work. Hope I get a good performance review.

Oh and despite what my co-worker Jefferey says, I'm not into the whole twittervision thing.